HCL Verse 11.0.1 for iOS

hours ago another release of HCL Verse for iOS was released. LINKThis release includes: VI-4637 – PRB0056790: Viewing problem with Powerpoint file on iPad VI-4617 – PRB0056528: HCL Verse v11 Attachment Auto-Download set to 100k, but 20KB attachment does not auto-downloadf

HCL Domino Volt Open Beta

Want to try HCL Domino Volt and join Beta testing? Now is the time to register. Want to know more? You’re Invited to the Domino Volt Beta Program LINK Registration form: LINK Webinar: An Inside Look at HCL Domino Volt Beta Program, March 18 LINK Webinar: Domino Volt Is Here: Everything You Need to Know, … Read more

Engage 2020 – Day 2 – Summary

“Engage.ug 2020 is over. Thanks @theoheselmans and everyone who participated in the conference. Everyone safe return home.“ …. that was my last tweet before I got into the my car and drove home. What interesting happened on the second day of the conference? Although Day 1 was long, the start of Day 2, which was … Read more

Engage 2020 – Day 1 – Summary

Today was the first official day of the conference Engage 2020. This time Theo Heselmans chose the Arnhem and the place of the Royal Burgers’ Zoo. Again he chose a completely unique place, but honestly … as always. He deserves a big thank you for that. Also because he manages to attract more participants every … Read more