HCL Domino Volt 1.0.3 FP1 Fix List

New release Domino Volt 1.0.3 FP1 (Build level: is out.Official Documentation LINKFix List: LINK Problem# Abstract 1529 Creating a record via API with invalid/garbage characters in the UID created a document that could not be retrieved.  The fix generates a good UID for the new document and creates the document.  1707 The Android Number … Read more

Updated Table of Client types that are connecting to a Sametime server (include Notes 12)

The new Notes 12.0 client type (using the embedded Sametime 11.5 product) that uses a connection to the Sametime server has ID 0x12A4 Source: HCL Knowledge Base Client Client ID Sametime Connect clients (stand-alone)   Sametime Connect 11.6 0x1314 Sametime Connect 11.5 0x1313 Sametime Connect 11.0 & 11.0 FP1 0x1312 Sametime Connect 10.0 0x1311 Sametime … Read more

What’s new in Traveler 12.0.0

HCL is launching a new version of Notes, Domino and Traveler 12 yesterday and in the following days. What can you find in the last mentioned Traveler server? Source: HCL Traveler Documentation Traveler on Docker HCL Domino® includes a Docker-compatible Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) of Domino that is part of your entitlement and … Read more