Engage 2022 Recap

After two years again of face-to-face conferences. A great venue in Bruges (Belgium), 3 days of filled program with a great sessions, over 300 participants, 24km at my feet during the conference including transfers to the hotel (according to Apple Watch), two amazing evenings with fellow HCL Ambassadors and other speakers. Great food and especially … Read more

HCL Domino 12.0.2 Early Access is availabled

During the engage conference in Brussels, Belgium, the Early Access HCL Domino 12.0.2 was announced and released. You can find it in your Flexnet. What’s new in 12.0.2? Security new features and enhancementsHCL Domino 12.0.2 provides the following new security features and enhancements. DAOS improvementsA new server task, DAOS Encryption Manager (daosencmgr), can be used … Read more

How to change corporate branding in the HCL Sametime 12.0 for Docker – step by step guide

One of the new features of Sametime 12.0 is the ability to use your own company branding. Administrators can configure the Sametime server to use a company logo that appears on screens displayed during the connection process, in reports, etc. If you want to try this change, you can follow my guide that describes the … Read more

My install guide “HCL Sametime 12.0 – Step by Step” is out

According to previous announcements, I createted first version a step by step installation guide for HCL Sametime 12.0. It is a guide for basic installation and configuration so that Sametime and Sametime Meetings can be tested easily and quickly. I would very much appreciate your reactions, ideas, comments that I could still include or correct … Read more

The Result of the Poll – HCL Sametime V12.0 install guide

A week ago, I announced the pool on whether you are interested in the basic step-by-step guide to installing HCL Sametime V12.0 for Docker. Already after this week, the interest is such that I decided to prepare this guide. During the preparations is also created a separate guide describing the change in corporate branding for … Read more