What’s new in HCL Nomad 1.0.9 for Apple iOS

HCL is continuing to update its mobile applications, and has released HCL Nomad 1.0.9 for iOS (What’s new in HCL Nomad 1.0.9 for Android – LINK to the article).

This release includes the following:

Release 1.0.9

  • The @Platform formula with the Specific parameter used in applications returns a text list containing the following values:
    • PrimaryOSName, for example, iOS
    • PrimaryOSVersionName, for example, 12.4
    • Model Type, either Tablet or Phone
    • Screen size in Notes Pixels, for example, 800,1200Note: This is a change from what iOS returned for the @Platform formula from release 1.0.3. For more information, see this article.
  • MarvelClient now manages advanced application settings. For more information, see Configuring application restrictions on Nomad clients.
  • Support for biometric authentication. Users can now utilize Face ID or Touch ID in order to unlock their Notes ID. See Biometric Authentication on iOS for more details.

Source: HCL Nomad Documentation LINK

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