Components no longer included in HCL Domino 11

With the release of HCL Domino V11, some components that were in previous releases were also removed. In V11 you will no longer find:

  • XWork Server
  • Console mode installation on Windows
  • Express® mode installation on Windows
  • GUI mode installation on AIX and Linux
  • Remote installation on AIX and Linux
  • XSP mode (Application Service Provider) This is NOT related to XPages, which remains in the product.
  • DOTS (Domino OSGi Tasklet Service)

2 thoughts on “Components no longer included in HCL Domino 11”

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing. XWork Server, what does it mean? Since XWork is not a component but a type of license…

    Thanks for your precisions.

    – Pierre


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