What’s coming in Notes V11?

During the Engage conference in Brussels, HCL team members presented V11 Notes client. The V11 beta is coming in Q3. Will the V11 premiere be as big as the V10? Certainly …

So what can we look forward to at the end of this year?

New look, blue comes

  • Simplicity – Keeping the UI simple to use with less clutter
  • Progressive Disclosure – Show the advanced features and actions as the user needs them
  • Attentive UI – Able to manage the user’s attention to the right areas and display information in a way that increase the effectiveness of the interaction
  • HCL Branded
New login to Notes V11
Mail Notes V11
New Message Notes V11
Calendar Notes V11

Some interesting features

  • Multiple Dictionaries Support
  • Meetings > 24 Hour Support
  • Export As PDF
  • Support For TLS 1.2
  • Mac 64-bit Uninstaller
  • Open JVM 8 support
  • Template refresh – Discussion, Contacts…
Multiple Dictionaries Support Notes V11
Meetings > 24 Hour Support Notes V11

Features Availability

Source: HCL presentation

2 thoughts on “What’s coming in Notes V11?”

  1. Thanks for posting. Were there any details on “Open JVM 8 support”? I presume that means V11 will continue to bundle Eclipse Open J9 but was that confirmed?


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