Traveler 12.0.1 Fix Pack 1

FP1 was released for Traveler 12.0.1 a few days ago. Documentation has been actualized and here is a list of fixes.

Source: HCL KB
HCL Traveler Fixes by Release

Customer Problem #
KB0096273travelerUtil on IBM i fails with NoClassDefFoundError exception
KB0095904Traveler dbmaint commands fail with MySQL Connnector/J 8.0.27
KB0096983Mail encoded as GB2312 may have corrupted characters when Smart Replied to or Smart Forwarded via HCL Traveler
KB0096320Attachments missing for mails smart forwarded with attachments with multiple names
KB0097053Mail attachments stored as encoded have their contents corrupted when included as part of a Smart Reply or Smart Forward.
KB0098020Mail attachments may be missing when the original MIME message has nested multipart sections and the attachments are included as part of a Smart Reply or Smart Forward
KB0095639eml attachments do not sync to HCL Verse for iOS or Android
KB0098275Traveler Policies applied to HTMO clients in mixed client configuration
KB0098583Sync conflict on calendar update when cancelling repeat instance from Apple iOS native client

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