HCL Traveler 11.0.1 FP2 is available. New Features and Fix List

Traveler 11.0.1 FP2 ( Build 202010261910_30) installation package is available on Flexnet.All HCL Traveler Fixes by Release: LINK New Features Support for MySQLTraveler 11.0.2 supports MySQL database for Traveler High Availability mode. MySQL versions 8.0.20 and higher of MySQL Community, Standard, and Enterprise editions are supported.  Traveler servers configured to use MySQL must be running … Read more

HCL Traveler 11.0.1 FP1 is available. New Features and Fix List

Traveler 11.0.1 FP1 ( Build 202005211639_3) installation package is available on Flexnet. New Features Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019Traveler 11.0.1 Fix Pack 1 has been validated with Microsoft SQL Server 2019 as the Traveler server database when running in high availability mode. Changes in calendar notice routingA side effect of the server support for … Read more

HCL Traveler V11.0.1 Fix List

At the end of March, Traveler V11.0.1 was released, which includes several new features and fixes for known issues. This list will tell you if the update is right or necessary for you. New Features: Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2017Traveler has been validated with Microsoft SQL Server 2017 as the Traveler server database … Read more

HCL Domino, Notes and Traveler V 11.0.1 – Whats new?

HCL released Domino/Notes and Traveler V11.0.1. What does the update contain?Documentation: Domino: LINK, Notes: LINK, Traveler: LINK Domino server New command to run Domino Server Setup from Windows for IBM iOn IBM i, Flexera InstallAnywhere 2018 is the platform used for the Domino Server Setup wizard on a Windows computer. As a result, the command … Read more

HCL Verse 11.0.1 for iOS

hours ago another release of HCL Verse for iOS was released. LINKThis release includes: VI-4637 – PRB0056790: Viewing problem with Powerpoint file on iPad VI-4617 – PRB0056528: HCL Verse v11 Attachment Auto-Download set to 100k, but 20KB attachment does not auto-downloadf

HCL Domino, Notes, Traveler, Sametime V11 Documentation

If you are looking for what’s new in Domino, Notes, Sametime, Traveler V11 or need a quick reference to the documentation, here are a few links. HCL Domino 11.0 documentation LINK HCL Notes 11.0 documentation LINK HCL iNotes 11.0 documentation LINK HCL Client Application Access 3.0 LINK HCL Domino 11 documentation updates LINK HCL Traveler … Read more

Domino, Notes, Traveler, Sametime V11 released

As announced in early December, Domino, Notes, Traveler and Sametime V11 were released. Check Flexnet where you should already see the installation files. Active license management is not available for production use licenses of HCL Domino 11 at this time. Therefore, configuring a FlexNet license server for Domino 11.0.0 is not required. Details of when … Read more

HCL Traveler V11 – what to expect

HCL Domino / Notes V11 and HCL Sametime 11 are coming, along with HCL Traveler V11. What’s new in Domino / Notes and Sametime has been mentioned many times. What does the Traveler V11 bring? View attachments in calendar events When you receive an invitation from a Notes user or Verse web user that includes … Read more