How to register Notes users from a file

A few days ago, I installed a Domino environment for a new customer and registered more then160 users. I realized again how easy and time saving to register users from a prepared text file. I know it’s nothing new, but I’m not sure everyone knows and uses it.

How to do it?

If you have created a registration policy, everything is even easier and the preparation of the file with the list of users is easier.

  • Create a text file
  • Create a line in the text file for each user.
  • Enter the parameters for each user in the exact order given. You can find this in the table below.

For example: I have created a registration policy where I have most of the necessary fields pre-filled and I only need to register: Last name, first name, password and email address.
The field separator will be a semicolon “;”.

The user line will look like this:
Lichtenberg; Ales ;;; Passw0rd ;;;;;;;;;;;

  • After creating the file, you can only choose to register a new user in the HCL Domino Admin client and select the “Import text file” option. Select your file and open it. All users will be loaded for you, you can check them and then just have them registered. In a few seconds you have everything done and saved a lot of time.

If you don’t use it, it’s definitely worth a try.

User parameters for registration text files:

1Last nameThe last name of the user. This parameter is required.
2First nameThe first name of the user.
3Middle initialThe middle initial of the user.
4Organizational unitA name for another level to add to the hierarchical name. This name distinguishes between two users who have the same name and are certified by the same certifier.
5PasswordA password for the user. This parameter is required.
6ID file directoryThe directory in which you want to store the user’s ID. You can store the ID in this directory in addition to or instead of as an attachment in the Domino Directory. You must create the directory before registration. For this parameter to take effect, select the In File option on the ID Info panel for storing the user ID. This parameter overrides the default ID directory shown in the Register Person – New Entry dialog box.
7ID file nameThe name you want to assign to the ID file. This file name applies only if you store an ID in an ID file directory. If you do not specify a user ID file name, the name on the ID is based on the person’s name.
8Mail server nameThe name of the user’s mail server. This parameter overrides the one you select during registration.
9Mail file directoryThe mail file directory for the user.
10Mail file nameThe name for the user’s mail file. If you do not use this parameter, the name is based on the person’s name if the person uses Notes mail.
11LocationDescriptive location information that is added to the user’s Person document. If someone addresses mail to this user and there is another user with the same name, Notes displays the location to help the sender distinguish the two users.
12CommentAn identifying comment that is added to the user’s Person document.
13Forwarding addressThe full route to the user — for example, If you don’t enter this information in the text file, you can edit the Forwarding address field in the user’s Person document. This parameter is used only for Other and Other Internet mail users.
14ProfileThe name of the user setup profile.
15Local administratorThe name of a user who has Author access to the Domino Directory. This person can modify the user’s Person document.
16Internet addressThe Internet address of the user. This parameter is required for Notes, POP3, iNotes®, and IMAP mail.
17Short nameThis name is entered by default. A short name is used to create a return Internet address if the Internet address is not entered.
18Alternate nameThe alternate name of the user. Note that the certifier ID used to register this user must contain the alternate name language.
19Alternate org unitA word that distinguishes two users who have the same name and are certified by the same certifier ID. Note that the certifier ID used to register this user must contain the alternate name language.
20Mail template fileThe file name of the mail template you want to use.

Source: HCL Documentation

1 thought on “How to register Notes users from a file”

  1. Hi Ales,
    when you write a new blog post, may i suggest, that you also include a link to the source (where appropriate)? This makes it even easier for your readers to find more information about a certain topic (e.g. in the official product documentation or in a technote, etc.) without having to manually search on Google.
    Thanks and keep up your great work for the community!


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