HCL Verse 3.1 is available

As announced, Version 3.1 is available as of today.
See the documentation for details. Download from Flexnet or if you already use My HCLSoftware.
HCL Verse 3.1 provides support for HCL Connections V8 and HCL Sametime V12

What’s new in Verse 3.1

  • Contacts enhancements
    The Contacts application is now enabled by default for all users. The following features are new in Contacts.
  • Meeting enhancements
    HCL Verse 3.1 provides the following features and enhancements related to meetings.
  • Mail enhancements
    HCL Verse 3.1 provides the following features and enhancements related to Mail.
  • New Preferences
    HCL Verse 3.1 provides the following new preferences
  • General enhancements
    HCL Verse 3.1 has the following general enhancements.

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