HCL Notes/Domino and Traveler 14.0 Early Access Drop 3 is available

Next Drop 3 Notes/Domino 14.0 Early Access and Traveler 14.0 EA is available.

HCL Domino 14.0 Early Access Program Release Notes LINK
HCL Domino 14.0 Early Access Documentation LINK
HCL Notes 14.0 Early Access Documentation LINK
HCL Traveler 14.0 Early Access Documentation LINK
HCL Notes 14.0 Early Access System Requirements LINK
HCL Domino 14.0 Early Access System Requirements LINK

What’s new in HCL Domino 14.0 Early Access Drop

  • JVM upgrade
    JVM has been upgraded to the following version of Java 17 LTS release:
    Openjdk version “” 2023-08-24
    IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (build
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.40.0, JRE 17 Windows 10 amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20230824_503 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
  • AdminCentral app updates
    The AdminCentral application (admincentral.nsf) is automatically created by adminP on the Domino administration server. You can open AdminCentral directly from your Notes Standard or Nomad web client, without the need to start Domino Administrator.
    – Resetting password
    – Uploading an ID file for a user
    – Setting up registration and deletion profiles
    – New ConsoleAdmin and ProfileAdmin roles
    – Remote server console
  • Installation features
    These Domino features and enhancements can help you upgrade, deploy, and adopt new releases faster.
    – Using AutoUpdate to download and distribute software
    – Upgrade to HCL Notes 64-bit using Auto Update
    – Domino installation includes HCL Nomad server on Domino
  • User/server configuration features
    Explore administrative features and enhancements that will empower your users.
    – Disabling LotusScript Debugger in HCL Notes
    – Domino installation includes OnTime
  • Security features
    Domino 14.0 EA3 provides the following features and enhancements related to security.
    – Passkeys authentication enhancements
    – Web user login with OIDC enhancements
    – New version of OpenSSL
  • Administration features
    – DAOS repair in a Domino cluster ​
    – Domino Restyle enhancements
  • Other updates
    Early Access Drop 3 also includes the following updates.

What’s new in HCL Notes 14.0 Early Access Drop 3

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