HCL Notes/Domino 12.0.2 FP4 is available

Next Fix Pack for Notes/Domino has just been released.
Check out all the fixes LINK

HCL Support Article: LINK
Domino 12.0.2, FP1, FP2, FP3, FP4 System Requirements
Notes 12.0.2, FP1, FP2, FP3, FP4 System Requirements

The Embedded Sametime fixes are as follows:

  • SAME-50595 – Group Invite missing from group chats
  • SAME-50757 – Fix Verbose Error Messages
  • SAME-51106 – [Font Style] Preview area is updated as <strike> when user uses strike text property
  • SAME-51107 – HTML injection through nickname added from UIM contac
  • SAME-51108 – Group List: Participants list is not visible in the group chat
  • SAME-46945 – Cannot display message which was sent in a group chat during offline time period
  • SAME-51092 – Filename is displayed instead of image in conversationds

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