HCL Nomad for web browsers 1.0.10

Next release HCL Nomad for web browsers 1.0.10 is out and brings several fixes as well as new features and improvements.
All new features can be found in the documentation LINK.
HCL Nomad for web browsers 1.0.x Release Notes – LINK

New features

  • Nomad Designer
    Use HCL Nomad Web to design Notes databases. For more information, see Designer.
  • Send mail offline
    Sending mail offline via a local mail.box is now supported. For more information, see Offline mode.
  • Support for HTTP connections
    Nomad server on Domino supports HTTP connections in addition to the previously supported HTTPS connections. For more information, see the section on “Connect to reverse proxy through HTTP protocol” in the Nomad administrator documentation.
  • Support for optional HTTP headers
    Nomad server on Domino supports adding optional HTTP headers to the response.
  • Support for Let’s Encrypt flows
    Nomad server on Domino supports the Let’s Encrypt flows for certificate handling. For more information, see the section on “Support Let’s Encrypt HTTP-01 challenge requests” in the Nomad administrator documentation.
  • Added language support
    Language support for Catalan (ca), Czech (cs), Hungarian (hu), Slovenian (sl) and Thai (th).

Fix list

Issue IdentifiersDefect ArticleDetails
NWASM-3466KB0109105Construct file paths using readdir instead of OSDirectoryScan for improved performance
NWASM-5029KB0106753Scrolling in a view skips over nested rows
NWASM-5862KB0109106notes.ini has /’s on the ends of directories while Notes does not
NWASM-5932KB0107788File -> Export overwriting an existing file fails
NWASM-5935KB0107742Scrolling on categorised views not working as per HCL Notes client
NWASM-5957KB0109128“ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications” error on Notes ID password screen with LastPass browser plugin
NWASM-5988KB0107786Browser suggests to save the Notes ID password in both username and password fields for non-English browsers
NWASM-6112KB0108147ListBox fields not displaying properly
NWASM-6170KB0109107Embedded views not scrolling with the “Disable scrollbars” property turned off
NWASM-6175KB0108185LotusScript: NotesStream.Open() does not handle “vfs:” file names
NWASM-6193KB0108818Character size too large for date fields in Nomad for web browsers
NWASM-6206KB0108381Support local storage using ExtractFile method for EmbedObject
NWASM-6220KB0108521Combobox style differences between Nomad and Notes
NWASM-6247KB0108675Combobox remembers and selects previous item after delete and add
NWASM-6379KB0108819Focus is not properly set upon returning from a nested dialog
NWASM-6395KB0109016View jumps back to top when scrolling up by mouse wheel or scroll gesture

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