HCL Domino Volt changes the name to HCL Domino Leap. New release HCL Domino Leap 1.1

With the release of the new version of HCL Domino Volt, the product was renamed to HCL Leape. You can upgrade your existing Domino Volt to Domino Leap in the standard way.

What’s new for app authors:

  • New Reminders feature. The “Reminders” feature generates emails at scheduled times. For more information, see Reminders.
  • New Copy/Paste feature. The “copy/paste” feature enables the application author to copy an item from their form and paste it into another page/form/app page within the same application or another one on the same Domino Leap server. 
  • New Workflow Branching feature. The “workflow branching” feature enables the application author to specify a condition that changes where a submitted form is directed.
  • Access to service descriptions may be restricted by user, group or special role (i.e. authenticated, anonymous, etc).
  • Ability to write Rich text to Domino applications. This completes read/write of Rich Text from/to Domino apps.
  • Improved HTML editor experience.
  • Better custom error handling with JSAPI.
  • Improved experience when properties of the page navigation item are presented to the application author.

Fix List:
Build level:

Problem #Abstract
1362Stage buttons appearing on page when they should not
2651Install script should set permissions on OSGi directories & files
2787Import Data button broken for some apps
2792Cannot delete field
2847Dialogs don’t always work well in the Embedding API
2852Performance regression in Composer
2853Data Grid JSAPI – metadata column names not translated from “public” versions
2857Second Request to Link service fails with 401 error
2858App upgrade failed with error on one app
2860Null pointer when assigning a user and form has a role based rule
2873Cannot delete field – broken and can hit infinite loop
2881Data Grid JSAPI – jsapi filters don’t work with default filters
2885Embedding API – Missing CSS styles
2887Embedding API – inclusion of Rich Text Entry causes form not to render
2892issue with CKEditor in Email activity in workflow
2893Maximum Character length property has no validation
2897Branded log messages should be in server’s locale
2909JavaScript edit dialog is not tall enough and clips important content
2961Email fails to send when using namepicker and not internetaddress property
2971Domino document created by “call a service” activity has empty field values
2973View Response Filter overlap issue
2975Form fields do not show in Send Email body editor “Insert” menu
2977App saving after adding e-mail activity to stages action in workflow breaks
2980Dynamic Filters – HasValue and HasNoValue should not show further fields
2981Workflow tab frozen with js error
3029Basic auth service credentials prompt broken
3139Error injecting in PDF value with special character
3148Some apps still cannot be redeployed with more than 255 fields
3176Custom function is not available in appPage scope (onStart onShow timing)
3242Attachments disappear if save Notes Document.
3315SEVERE java.lang.NullPointerException
3328Issue sending PDF attachment in email
3400Rule Editing of a single page in a form should be disabled
3418App with Attachment in a Table fails to deploy
3428Issue with “one per user” permissions
3448ID goes blank when any widget is deleted under table widget
3525Data Grid – Number filters are not working as expected
3535Filled PDF prints with empty fields
3548Error in Data Grid when deleting stage

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