HCL Factory Tours Milan – Day 2 Summary

After an intensive first day and a great evening followed by an interesting program right from the morning.

The second day I was most interested in the news about Verse 11, Sametime 10, Client Notes 11.

VERSE On-Premises 11…

Barry Rosen and Andrew Davis have demonstrated the functionality that will appear in the near future in VOP 1.0.7 :

  • ICS Import directly from an attachment
  • Allow user to download all attachments at once
  • Allow user to filter search results to show unread messages
  • Allow viewing of messages sent with “prevent copy” turned on
  • Better user experience when type-ahead yields no results
  • Change blank subject line to the name of an attachment
  • Continued enhancements on the modernization of the Calendar user interface
  • and several others

VOP features coming to VOC in Q1/Q2 -Subject to change:

  • 24 hour time setting
  • 30 days data sync for offline
  • Accept button added to Calendar Inbox popup card
  • Allow users to minimize the compose and quick calendar create docked windows
  • Dual Time Zone in Calendar Inbox
  • Extension: 3rd party Files repository integration
  • Extension: Custom name Picker enhancement.TO/Cc/Bcc in one action
  • Extension Enhancement: Hook before on Send: provide attachment name & size and bcc info
  • and many others


  • Complete New Calendar React UI
  • Complete effort for supporting Verse Web on Mobile (Mobile web alternative to iNotes Ultra Light)
  • Next Gen Lightweight Client

Notes & Lightweight Client Strategy

Another (for me) expected session was Notes & Lightweight Client Strategy by Adrew Davis

Notes 11 backlog sneak peak – Subject to change

  • Windows 64-bit /JVM 11 support
  • Mac 64-bit installer
  • Modernized Look
  • Stretch Goal: Create meetings beyond 24 hours – for all clients !

What does it mean to be “Lighter Weight”

  • Simpler Install and Upgrade – No more provisioning
  • Super fast startup – enough said
  • Single native process – No Java, less memory ….
  • Simpler extensibility model – HTML/JS programming – No more Eclipse, Java, SWT
  • and others

The first beta Lighter Weight Client should be in 2019

Sametime 10

What to expect in Sametime 10 showed Pat Galvin.

What´s in Sametime Limited use V10

  • Concurrent online clients – desktop, mobile, browser
  • Messages received immediately on all online client
  • Received queued messages when logging in on a client
  • Runs on Domino 64-bit
  • Fully compatible with Sametime 9.0.1 FP1

What’s next in V10 or V11

  • Server-side Chat History
  • Multi-Device File Transer
  • Multi-Device Voice/Video Calling
  • No More Browser Plugins
  • Docker for Simplified Deployment
  • Get rid of WAS, DB2, Sametime System Console
  • and many others

What to write at the end?

I did not get any more because I had to go back home to work. The journey by car was long enough and I had time to think about what it was like for 2 days in HCL Factory.

It was a great day with lots of interesting information, and it seems that HCL really means “Domino family” seriously.

I’m glad I could be there to meet a bunch of new people.
I’m glad I do not have to end after 25 years of working with Domino / Notes.

Thanks for the invitation, thanks to the all members HCL team.
You do not stop!

I look forward to May – engage.ug and sutol.cz conference

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