HCL Traveler 11.0.1 FP2 is available. New Features and Fix List

Traveler 11.0.1 FP2 ( Build 202010261910_30) installation package is available on Flexnet.All HCL Traveler Fixes by Release: LINK New Features Support for MySQLTraveler 11.0.2 supports MySQL database for Traveler High Availability mode. MySQL versions 8.0.20 and higher of MySQL Community, Standard, and Enterprise editions are supported.  Traveler servers configured to use MySQL must be running … Read more

HCL Nomad 1.0.11 for Android released

HCL has released another release of HCL Nomad for Android with version number 1.0.11 What can you find in the new release? Release 1.0.11 Improved spell checking performance allows large documents to open more quickly. Improved Android lifecycle support improves experience when working with a resizeable window (split screen on tablets, windowed mode on ChromeBooks, … Read more