Interim Fix 1 for of HCL Domino 12.0.1 FP1, 11.0.1 FP5 and 10.0.1 FP8

Just today IF1 was released for Domino 12.0.1 FP1, 11.0.1 FP5 and 10.0.1 FP8.
What does this IF contain?

Domino 12.0.1 Fix Pack 1 Interim Fix 1 (12.0.1 FP1 IF1)

HHIECFD776Fix an issue where HCL iNotes is susceptible to a link to non-existent domain vulnerability (CVE-2022-27547).  See KB0100212.
HHIECFD834Fix an issue where HCL iNotes is susceptible to a Reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (CVE-2022-27546).  See KB0100216.
EPORCGNMPNFix an issue where HCL iNotes is susceptible to a Broken Password Strength Checks vulnerability (CVE-2022-27558).  See KB0100217.
SMOYCDXACHFixed an issue where if the SNMP Service was started with an Administrator account other than the local system account it would fail to start and give error 1503.
SRAOC9QFZBFixed an http server crash in SetVaultedUserI.
SRAOCGNSMNFixed an issue where Nomad federated login enabled setting did not work if other federated login options in the security policy were disabled

Domino Server 11.0.1 Fix Pack 5 IF1

HHIECFD776Fix an issue where HCL iNotes is susceptible to a link to non-existent domain vulnerability (CVE-2022-27547).  See KB0100212.
HHIECFD834Fix an issue where HCL iNotes is susceptible to a Reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (CVE-2022-27546).  See KB0100216.

Domino Server 10.0.1 Fix Pack 8 IF1

HHIECFD776Fix an issue where HCL iNotes is susceptible to a link to non-existent domain vulnerability (CVE-2022-27547).  See KB0100212.
HHIECFD834Fix an issue where HCL iNotes is susceptible to a Reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (CVE-2022-27546).  See KB0100216.
MKSACFFKZCFix language issues with XPages CKEditor

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