HCL Verse 3.2.4 is available

Next version 3.2.4 for HCL Verse is available as of today.
See the documentation for details. Download on My HCLSoftware.
HCL Knowledge Article
What’s new in Verse 3.2.4 LINK

What’s New?

  • Limit repeat meeting instances
    When scheduling a repeat meeting, you can configure how often the meeting repeats. If the number of meeting instances is 1000 or less, you can use the “Save” or “Save and Send” options. However, if the number of meeting instances is 1000, you will receive an alert message, and the “Save” and “Save and Send” actions will be disabled.


Verse 3.2.4 provides fixes for the following known issues:

  • When replying to a message, blank “CC:” shouldn’t appear if there is not person in CC: VERSE-68017
  • Rescheduling using Drag and Drop causes the Reminder field to be unchecked: VERSE-68016:
  • Make sure Display Name sent in extension data is correct: VERSE-67821
  • Rescheduling using Drag and Drop causes the Reminder field to be unchecked: VERSE-68016
  • Incorrect Dutch translation for sentby field: VERSE-67789
  • Some sent email are missing from search result after enabling alternative name preference: VERSE-67738
  • Verse should limit the number of instances for a repeating meeting: VERSE-67251
  • Subfolders sort order is not the same as root folder sort order: VERSE-68065
  • Typing in a link in the event form will not convert the link to a live URL: VERSE-68106

    Verse 3.2.4 provides fixes for the following known accessibility issues:
  • Event form action bar actions are actionable even when disabled.: VERSE-67925
  • [Settings Mail Rules]: “Remove selected folder” button in Mail Rule Actions is not keyboard/screen reader accessible: VERSE-67819
  • IconButton – arialabel used for both label and description: VERSE-67805
  • Horizontal Scroll Issue on Settings Page in RTL Languages: VERSE-67785
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.4.4][Settings Mail Rules] Use Grid to make Create/Edit Mail Rule container responsive on small screen and on 200% zoom: VERSE-67765
  • [WCAG 2.1 1.3.1][Settings] In the Delegation Grant Access setting on the Settings page, NVDA reads the Help icon as ‘Tooltip button’ wherever it appears: VERSE-67732
  • [WCAG 2.1 1.3.1][Settings] In the Type-ahead setting on the Settings page, NVDA reads the Help icon as ‘Tooltip button’ wherever it appears: VERSE-67731
  • [WCAG 2.1 1.3.1][Settings] In the Folder Suggestion setting on the Settings page, NVDA reads the Help icon as ‘Tooltip button’ wherever it appears: VERSE-67730
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.1.1] [F54][Setting page] Unable to focus on Notifications/Alarm texts through keyboard for Calendar Alarm: VERSE-67724
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.1.1][F54] Date picker should be close by ESC key press: VERSE-67709
  • [Settings] Analysis – In save sent mail setting, after changing value, NVDA reads old value: VERSE-67619
  • [WCAG 4.1.2][F15][Verse Settings] Implement Online meeting configuration with correct A11Y pattern on Settings page: VERSE-67609
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.1.1][F54]Blank value is set for Save Sent Mail dropdown with Tab Key press: VERSE-67602
  • [Settings Mail Rules]: Person name TextInput should not be accessible by tab: VERSE-68010
  • [WCAG 2.1 4.1.3] [OverQuotaCalendar] [F103] NVDA does not read quota warning message displayed when we try to send an event (event bar): VERSE-67577
  • [WCAG 2.1 4.1.2][F68] [Settings]NVDA directly reads Online meeting configuration name without specifying the label ‘Online Meeting Configuration’ on Settings page: VERSE-67482
  • [WCAG 2.1 1.4.3][F24][Verse Settings] Color contrast of hyphen (-) displayed between Available Times in Availability section is not complying to the required contrast ratio 4.5:1: VERSE-67478
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.4.3][F44][Settings] After selecting Save Sent Mail dropdown value, NVDA is immediately reading the working and available times even if we are not shifting focus to it: VERSE-67476
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.3.1][F2][Mail Rule]NVDA is reading the folder name under Actions section of existing mail rule as blank: VERSE-67453
  • [WCAG 2.1.1][Contacts][F55]- aria-hidden warnings when clicked on Delete, Cancel or Keep Editing button: VERSE-67386
  • [WCAG 2.1 2.4.7][F78][Contacts] The ‘New Group’ split button does not receive focus when clicked with the mouse: VERSE-67257
  • [WCAG 2.1 4.1.3] [OverQuotaCalendar] [F103] NVDA does not read quota warning message displayed when we try to send an event: VERSE-67254
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.4.3] [Datepicker] Outline CSS is missing onFocus of today button: VERSE-67048
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.4.3][F44][RoomsAndResources]Focus is not automatically shifting to the search result list after clicking Search button in Find Room or Resource dialog: VERSE-66973
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.3.1][F2][RoomsAndResources] NVDA is reading the selected values as button in Find Rooms/Resource dialog: VERSE-66972
  • [WCAG 2.1 1.4.3][F24][RoomsAndResources] OK button in Find Room dialog do not have border in high contrast mode: VERSE-66968
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.1.1] [F54][Setting page] Unable to focus on Notifications/Alarm texts through keyboard as highlighted in below screen shot, from setting page: VERSE-66235
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.4.7][F55][Group Contact]In high contrast mode, Focus on the Add a Contact and New Contact split buttons are not clearly visible.: VERSE-66077
  • [WCAG 2.1 4.1.2][F68][DOMI] NVDA doesn’t announce the dialog name for ‘Disable Service’,  ‘Edit Service’, and ‘Enable Service: VERSE-66052
  • [WCAG 2.0 3.2.2][F36][Settings] – cal-first-day-month – TAB on select-list menu item results in settings trying to be saved: VERSE-65876
  • [WCAG 2.1 2.1.1][F54][Keyboard][Group Contact] Unable to access Remove Group Contact Member button using keyboard: VERSE-65855
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.4.6] [Mail Rule] Tooltip for Junk mail rule header is wrong: VERSE-65574
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.4.7] [Mail Rule] Focus on Edit rule and delete rule button is not clearly visible in High contrast mode: VERSE-65573
  • [WCAG 2.1 1.3.1][Settings] In the Secure Mail Features setting on the Settings page, NVDA reads the Help icon as ‘Tooltip button’ wherever it appears: VERSE-64834
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.3.1][F2][Propose New Time]NVDA reads all the info present in the Propose new time dialog when focus in on Meeting Date field: VERSE-64714
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.4.4][F69][Propose Time dialog] Text of ‘Available start time for all attendees’ button is overlapping with border of the button in high contrast mode: VERSE-64709
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.1.1] [F54 ] [Availability Visualizer] Unable to select date from date picker using keyboard: VERSE-64705
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.3.1][F43][ Info and Relationships][Verse Settings] NVDA does not read the default Online meeting label correctly: VERSE-64696
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.3.1][F43][Info and Relationships] [OnlineMeeting] NVDA does not read the discard changes confirmation dialog content properly.: VERSE-64677
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.3.1][F43][Info and Relationships] [OnlineMeeting] NVDA does not read the content on delete online meeting confirmation dialog properly: VERSE-64676
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.3.1][F43][Info and Relationships] [OnlineMeeting] NVDA does not read error dialog for over quota users properly: VERSE-64674
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.4.3][Focus order] [OnlineMeeting] Focus order on save online meeting error dialog for over quota users is not proper: VERSE-64673
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.4.3][F44][Focus order] [OnlineMeeting] Focus order on discard changes confirmation dialog is not proper: VERSE-64671
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.3.1][F2][Event Form] Unable to differentiate which checkbox options are enabled and which are disabled in meeting invitee’s Options section in High contrast mode: VERSE-64647
  • [WCAG 2.2 2.4.11] [Focus Appearance][VerseSettings] New Rule button border is not visible in high-contrast: VERSE-64599
  • [WCAG 2.1 4.1.3] [Confirmation Dialog] Past event creation confirmation dialog whenever displayed is not being read by NVDA: VERSE-64592
  • [WCAG 2.0 2.1.1][F54][Contacts] [Datepicker] Not able to select date using keyboard only: VERSE-63314
  • Issue related to International tab visibility in Mail & Calendar settings after 200% zoom and not able to navigate to International tab with keyboard.: VERSE-61330
  • In the Unprocessed Notices meeting pop-up, keyboard and screen reader operations does not work as expected: VERSE-61203
  • [WCAG 2.0 1.1.1][F65][Settings]Mouse hover text is not displayed for Mail Rules Delete Icons: VERSE-60938
  • [WCAG 2.1 2.1.2] [Reschedule Meeting] keyboard trap found when opened original meeting invite: VERSE-60736
  • [WCAG 2.0 3.3.2][F82][Mail Rule]NVDA is not reading username field, selected value or its autocomplete dropdown values of Mail Rule section: VERSE-60723
  • [WCAG 2.4.3] [Focus Order][F44][Empty Trash] Incorrect focus order while performing the Empty Trash action: VERSE-55042

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