All-in-one Admin Tool for Notes/Domino – Updated template 1.4 is available

A new version of the Admin Tool 1.4 for Notes/Domino was presented at a webinar hosted by last month. The new template you can download contains:

Source: HCL Support KB

1.Remove Profiles ToolTool to present a selectable list of profile documents for removal from a database. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use this tool to remove the OOO profile.For more information about this tool, see the “Additional Information” section below
2.Out of Office Diagnostic ToolTroubleshoot issues with Out of Office functionality.
3.Prohibit Design Element ToolPresents design elements that have the prohibit flag enabled with the option to remove the flag.
4.Copy Database ToolCreate a LotusScript, document-level copy of a mail database
5.Rebuild Mail Database InboxRebuilds a mail database Inbox, which may become necessary due to corruption or the accidental removal of documents from a folder.
6.Edit Database ACLGiven a list of mail databases this tool will set the ACL entry for the mail file owner to editor, designer, or manager
7.Find Duplicate TemplatesLocate duplicate templates on a server and provide comprehensive list of duplicate templates, identifying which ones are the original
8.Disable Background AgentsGiven a list of mail databases this tool will enable or disable all background agents in a database by editing the database property “Disable background agents for this database”.This tool leverages C API functions and allows you to edit a property is not accessible via LotusScript
9.Create Mail Database SpreadsheetGiven a server name in your organization this tool will gather your specified mail database attributes and create a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file to be opened and manipulated in spreadsheet format.
10.Document DXL Export ToolExport a select document to XML format to analyze it at a more granular level
11.Fix Duplicate FoldersFix for duplicate folders.
12Log AnalysisTool to search given list of text files for particular string and output to a text file
13.Mail Database SearchSearches a directory or selected mail databases for a particular string where the results are output to the log as document links
14.Delete DocumentAbility to remove a document given if you know the NoteID of the document
15.Edit Mail RulesVisually inspect Mail Rule Documents versus orphaned Mail Rules in the calendar profile document and ability to remove orphaned rule from calendarprofile document

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