Traveler 14.0.0 Fix Pack 2 Release

FP2 is available for Traveler 14.0.0, which in addition to fixes includes new functionality and an updated APNS certificate that expires March 2, 2026

What’s new

  • Tell Traveler Push Test Extended to FCM
    This command is used for testing proxy configurations, connectivity, etc. Previously, it only supported APNS testing; now the command will also support FCM testing to better identify connectivity problems.
  • New Configurable Limits for Sending Conflict Notification Emails
    New behavior will send fewer conflict emails from the Traveler server when a calendar update conflict is detected. Two new Notes.ini parameters have been added to configure the time between conflict emails for the same event and to add the ability to disable the emails altogether. These parameters were added in response to an Apple iOS 18 bug that causes conflicting event updates to be sent from the device. See KB article for more information.
  • Updated APNS P12 Files
    Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) p12 certificates updated to expire March 2, 2026. These certificates replace the files shipped with Traveler 14.0.0 FP1, which expire June 21, 2025

Fix List

Customer Problem #Abstract
KB0116765iOS/iPadOS 18: Conflict emails and update notices are generated for repeating events without any changes made by the chair
KB0117001Non-S/MIME mail with only a signed attachment is missing the signed attachment
KB0117165Duplicate all day events when using the iOS/iPadOS Calendar app
KB0118393Errors cleaning up Traveler data for deleted users with large amounts of data
KB0117322Modifying an email reply draft on a device that does Smart Forward/Smart Reply results in two drafts
KB0118274Traveler device approval messages in the wrong language
KB0118432$Abstract not updated on Drafts
KB0118531Attendee only status updates to events are not being pushed properly to Verse for iOS
KB0117322Modifying an email reply draft on a device that does Smart Forward/Smart Reply results in two drafts
KB0119137Security update

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