Language support Group 1 for Domino 10 is again available (Part #)

After minor issues, IBM together with HCL CWP Development, re-released Group 1 for Domino 10.
These languages are: English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish.

You can find language packs at Passport Advantage and see are Part Number packages.

DescriptionPart #
IBM Notes Client V10.0.1 Multilingual User Interface for Windows (Group 1)CC0I9ML
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows FrenchCC0HVFR 
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows SpanishCC0HUES 
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows GermanCC0HRDE
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows ItalianCC0HYIT 
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows Brazilian PortugueseCC0HZBP
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows JapaneseCC0HXJA
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows KoreanCC0HSKO
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows Simplified ChineseCC0HTSC 
IBM Notes v10.0.1 for Windows Traditional ChineseCC0HWTC 
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Mac 64 bit French, Brazilian Portuguese, SpanishCC0ICML
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Mac 64 bit  German and ItalianCC0IDML
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Mac 64 bit Japanese and KoreanCC0IBML 
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Mac 64 bit Traditional Chinese and Simplified ChineseCC0IAML
IBM Notes and Domino Designer V10.0.1 for Windows SpanishCC0I3ES
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V10.0.1 for Windows GermanCC0I0DE 
IBM Notes and Domino Designer V10.0.1 for Windows ItalianCC0I7IT
IBM Notes, and Domino Designer  V10.0.1 for Windows Brazilian PortugueseCC0I8BP
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V10.0.1 for Windows FrenchCC0I4FR 
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V10.0.1 for Windows JapaneseCC0I6JA
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V10.0.1 for Windows KoreanCC0I1KO 
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V10.0.1 for Windows Simplified ChineseCC0I2SC 
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V10.0.1 for Windows Traditional ChineseCC0I5TC 
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX, Linux GermanCC0IYDE
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX, Linux KoreanCC0J0KO
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX, Linux Simplified ChineseCC0J1SC 
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX, Linux SpanishCC0IWES
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX and Linux FrenchCC0IVFR
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX, Linux Traditional ChineseCC0J2TC
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX and Linux Japanese CC0HXJA
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX, Linux ItalianCC0IZIT 
IBM Domino Server v10.0.1 Language Pack for Windows, AIX, Linux Brazilian PortugueseCC0IXBP
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows GermanCC0IQDE
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows KoreanCC0ISKO
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows Simplified ChineseCC0ITSC
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows SpanishCC0INES 
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows FrenchCC0IMFR
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows Traditional ChineseCC0IUTC 
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows Japanese CC0I6JA
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows ItalianCC0IRIT
IBM XWork Server V10.0.1 64 bit for Windows Brazilian PortugueseCC0IPBP

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