End of legacy FCM API Push support for Google FCM HCL Verse notifications for Android – upgrade HCL Traveler to V14.0.1

Source: HCL KB

Google has deprecated the legacy FCM APIs that Traveler and prior was using for Android push notifications. Google started intermittently rejecting FCM messages sent via the legacy API in July 2024 and could reject all such messages at any time; these rejections will be logged as errors by Traveler like “NTS_PUSH_FCM_RETRY_EXHAUSTED 0=3 1=https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send Exception Thrown: java.io.IOException: Could not send message after 4 attempts”. Without the push notifications, background syncs are not being run and manual syncs are required to get the latest data in the HCL Verse for Android application.

Traveler (also known as 14.0.0 FP1) has added support for the Google FCM HTTP v1 API.  By utilizing this newer API, all push messages will be accepted by the Google FCM servers and background syncs will run as expected in the HCL Verse for Android application.

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