HCL Nomad for web browsers 1.0.15

Next release HCL Nomad for web browsers 1.0.15 is out and brings several fixes as well as new features and improvements.
All new features can be found in the documentation LINK.
HCL Nomad for web browsers 1.0.x Release Notes – LINK

New features

  • Restyle in all Nomad languages
    Restyle is no longer limited to English only.
  • Designer in all Nomad languages
    Designer is no longer limited to English only.
  • Sametime Integration
    Sametime integration enables two integration features with HCL Sametime. It displays the number of unread messages in the navigation bar via a new button to open Sametime. Clicking on names opens a business card for the user, displaying contact info and a chat button to open Sametime chat with that user. See Sametime Integration for more details.
  • View Attachments
    For any attachments that the browser can render, the View option is enabled. Any attachments that require more than just the browser to render are still download only. For additional security options, see Three click support in HCL Notes documentation.
  • COM Helper
    Component Object Model (COM) calls from agents and buttons can now be utilized on Windows client machines via a COM Helper. For more information, see COM Helper.

Fix List

Issue IdentifiersDefect ArticleDetails
NWASM-7923KB0118733Recent Applications shows the incorrect application icon and name for some applications
NWASM-7929KB0117902Scrollbars may hinder access to the last element in a view or view embedded in a form on a dialog
NWASM-7943KB0118117Print function does not include fields in document
NWASM-7981KB0118019Old Nomad notes link format not supported on Nomad server on Domino
NWASM-8003KB0118156Text and date fields in a layout region are editable in a read-only document
NWASM-8024KB0118210Missing Arrows to Change Months in Date Picker
NWASM-8071KB0118490Nomad reports a missing library when trying to export a text file
NWASM-8115KB0118653Nomad for web browsers may crash when editing a document with a large amount of text in a table cell
NWASM-8117KB0118651SAML login failed with “Exception: Invalid SAML2 timestamp passed to xsDateTimeToTimestamp”
NWASM-8125KB0118715Other users’ mail file icons appearing on the HCL Nomad for web browsers’ Workspace due to panagenda MarvelClient’s Nomad Web Migration
NWASM-8128KB0118891“Change Password” showing in menu after first time setup for Nomad Shared Login enabled users
NWASM-8223KB0119336Document in dialog shows two scrollbars
NWASM-8258KB0119268LotusScript Open command does not honor the “vfs:” prefix

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